Tuesday, March 4, 2008

thou shalt not be succesfull

I have been watching 'As it is in Heaven' again today and i was wondering: Why is it that the church (or Christians) find success so threatening?

I have seen it so many times in so many different towns, so many different churches, so many different organizations and lives - we ask people to do something for the church or for God, we expect them to get on with it and we complain if they don't. However, if they do get on with the job at hand and do it really well, we will find a reason why their success is not good and why their services should be terminated. What exactly is it that we are so afraid of. Why are we so insecure that the success of other Christians cause us to question their motives? Why can we not celebrate each other's ministries and success? I am saddened by the destructiveness of this tendency amongst God's people.

I do realize that this is an over-generalization, as not all churches; not all ministers; and not all Christians are like that. I am currently working with a superintendent who celebrates victories with me - what a blessing! I have seen organizations working together and Christians being happy for and with one another. It seems however that this is the exception and not the rule.

In my own life i have often noticed that things goes banana-shaped the moment that i forget that i am part of a body and start acting as if i am the body. Perhaps the same is true in the church as a whole and that we need to be reminded of our interdependence in a world and era of independence. Is this perhaps why Paul says: 'his power in me is greatest when i am weak' ?



Eliza D Hunter said...

I TOTALLY AGREE, its kinda like you damned if you do and damned if youi dont.

From my experience churches are one of the biggest most common places where internal politics and prejudice absolutely destroy the initial reasoning for its being!!!

I dont understand christian churches........

crazy:) said...

you are so right! it is as though certain churches encourage people to live impoverished lives when i was taught that God blesses hhis people and who are we to refuse his blessings? as it stands i don't see christians telling Jesus not to have died on the cross for us? and that is the greatest blessing, no?
i also agree with crimson that church politics is the one thing that really destroys churches... they chase away good out of the church.

crazy:) said...

you are so right! it is as though certain churches encourage people to live impoverished lives when i was taught that God blesses hhis people and who are we to refuse his blessings? as it stands i don't see christians telling Jesus not to have died on the cross for us? and that is the greatest blessing, no?
i also agree with crimson that church politics is the one thing that really destroys churches... they chase away good out of the church.

crazy:) said...

oops lol