Wednesday, April 16, 2008


Today is one of those restless, windy days in Utenhage and my office ander the trees that is on other days a haven of tranquility is turned into a dusttrap. The sky is a brilliant blue and the sun is shining the trees and grass the grass are a radient green after the recent rains and still, this day is restless, this day is cold.

It causes my mind to wander...
How easily we can judge anothers life to say that they have it easy! like the weather here, looks can be so deciving...

in my previous blog i gave reflected on children who need and do not need and those who need most who am i to judge who need most? needs may differ, but needs are still needs. some of the most vibrant people i know are people with the deepest hurts. Experience have toaught me that it is often those who apear to be in the sun who have a great need for the Son.

i dream of a Christian society who will choose to look past appearances and who will love undonditionally. I dream of a church where all of my friends with all their peculiarities will be welcome and cared for - no matter which way the wind blows. I long for a a true jubilee when all will be set free: free from labels, free from pain, free from prejudice, free from the past, free from the judgmental looks and comments from other Christians, free to be who God created them to be, free...

The wind is still blowing en my next appointment is on the way so i guess i should sweep and dust my office one more time. Now if only i could sweep and dust my heart as easily...



Eliza D Hunter said...

Hellooo my dearest bestest Friend

Things very often happen like the weather, each day is different, each day brings it's own unique challenges and blessings, will be praying for you now and always!

Regarding the freeeeee part, I WISH THE SAME, I AM OPENLY LES - and you have councelled me in so many area's of things and acceptance was and is one of the remaining issues that we, no matter who we are, what we look like, sound like, believe in. Fact is we will ALWAYS be judged, but oneday it will get better and God loves us regardless and if we can all just love irrispective of our insecurities and take it out on others we will be able to stand together and love all, the way God see's us.



Mev Dominee said...

Hi jy.

We read this last night in home group. If only all Christians could live like this.

Php 2:14-15 MSG
(14) Do everything readily and cheerfully--no bickering, no second-guessing allowed!
(15) Go out into the world uncorrupted, a breath of fresh air in this squalid and polluted society. Provide people with a glimpse of good living and of the living God. Carry the light-giving Message into the night

Please remember that you will always be mine and that I will and do always love you!!
