Facebook, there are many good, bad and ugly things to be said for it. Today i am simply answering questions that arose in the minds of those who have me (and or Hanno) as friends on facebook:
yes it is correct.
After almost ten years of marriage, Hanno and i got a divorce. I am grateful for the 10 years that we have had together. I am grateful for a wonderful friend that i have in him.
Hanno and i have been struggling to make things work for the past 10 years and have at last made peace with the fact that it is better this way. This has not been a decision that has been taken lightly or on the spur of the moment. We have prayed together, cried together and found peace in the gracious presance of Him who made us and know us fully.
Pray for Hanno and me, and for our son Jaco as we each continue to journey on a new path.
I pray.
roxilian - the word verification on this post - I pray that you would be 'roxilian' (the feminine form for being like a rock.)
(Blogger has glossolalia.)
A difficult decision indeed. I'll continue to keep you in my prayers.
(Word verification: TINUF - a shortened version of "it's enough"?)
Thanks Gus and Steve!
may your bestest days be ahead!!!
thanks barry
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