Tuesday, October 20, 2009

It made my day...

Yesterday,when picking my son up from school, he couldn't wait to tell me that the misunderstanding between him and his best friend had been cleared up. Upon hearing this conversation, one of his other friends commented that he couldn't believe that Jaco shared this with me. Jaco was very surprised at this and replied: I always ask my mom for advice!

This made my day. I pray that as he gets older he will always feel comfortable talking to me about the things that bugs him.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Count your blessings...

This morning I read a blog.
This caused me to stop and think and count my blessings, naming them one by one, so here goes:
* My Amazing son
* Good Health
* Having fun with my studies
* Good friends
* New Friends
* Seeing lives change
* Having hope again
* An amazing friend
* Being loved
* People who challenge me (like above mentioned blog)