About a week ago i was looking around for some interesting reading material - something relating to the new area of ministry that i will be entering into ('Young Families Ministries Coordinator at Plumstead Methodist Church from January 2009) - when i came across this book by Nikki Bush & Graeme Codrington.

I was so excited about this book that i decided to order it as it is not available in our little town yet. Yesterday however i met with Pete (my new boss :) ) for coffee and he decided that it would be good if i can read up a bit before i get to Cape Town. Guess what book he brought for me to read...
yip! "
Future-Proof your Child"
So, if you don't hear much from my side in the next couple of days it is perhaps due to the fact that i am reading (and re-reading) the book. And yes, i will share some of my thoughts on this book as i go on.
that looks like a cool book
if you want to sell copy number 2 I might be interested...
thanks, i will remember that
My current senior minister might be taking it over for the youth pastor who is taking over from me, that is provided this little town actually gets the book before i have to go. lol, that's what happens when u dont order online
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