In the light of recent developments in politics in our country, it is easy to loose hope, to become despondent and to allow for darkness to rule our hearts and minds and then there are moments that gives hope, moments like this one:
As i am sitting here, i can hear the laughter and giggles outside of two six-year olds: one is my own little boy, the other - the son of a friend from a different cultural background. Both are fluent in at least two languages and knows a couple of words in a third. My son can speak English, Afrikaans and a bit of SeSotho, his friend can speak SeSotho, SeTwana and a bit of English. They do not fully understand each other, but have been playing the morning away. They laugh, they help, they play and have developed their own way of communication. Perhaps this is why God said that we need to become children again: Instead of focusing on problems, differences or that which divides us, they focus of similarities finding solutions and each other.
Perhaps my next vote should be going to a child ...
Thanks for reading my blog! I have a link to my new one on here once I get it rolling....
Hi Bugs, Saw you had a peep at my blog. Whenever the Lord answers us it is a humbling experience and to follow in his footsteps has taugh me to be humble. So yes to become like little children is humbling, but essential.
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