Friday, October 19, 2007

getting on with the job

This morning in my devotions i was challenged with the following thought:

Suppose the world population was standing at about 5 000 million (yes, it is more than that). And suppose you are the only Christian in the world (no, you are not) and suppose that in the next 12 months you could lead one person to Christ. In the next year you and the person you have lead to Christ each lead one more person to Christ. The question is: how long will it take, if every Christian then every year only lead one person to Christ, before everyone on earth has been reached with the Good News?

Only 32 years!

In this year, i have been running around so much, running meetings, resolving conflicts, doing everything a good minister should - that i have forgotten my real job. Making Disciples not of me but of God.

So this is me getting on with the real job


Rock in the Grass (Pete Grassow) said...

'stru ek se

Eliza D Hunter said...

Wow, so true - being the minister is a huge job, nobody really see's that, it is a full 7 day 24 hour job.

You are finally realising the balance thing...