How often do we use the words 'trust' and 'faith', and how often do we really understand what we are saying?
In the last while (and especially this week) i have been gaining a fresh understanding of what it really means to say that i trust God or that i have faith in Him. In the past it has been easy for me to say these things as i have felt that i am in control of my life and ministry. I have been like a good layer who only asks the questions that s/he already knows the answers to. I have been trusting God in that which is certain - eternal life. For everything else, i could make a plan.
Recently however, i have had to learn to trust God when nothing is certain. I am learning that the greatest for of trust is when i can see no way out. i am like Gideon, being asked to trust God when humanly the situation seems impossible. i am being asked to trust God with my life now and not only one day when i die and do not have any control anyway. This kind of trust is a trust that i am following his lead when i cannot see the outcome yet, it is asking the questions that i don't know the answers to. I t is walking in uncharted territory with dangers all around me. I can no longer depend on my own insights, experience or understanding. I cannot depend on friends or family.
All of this is terrifying ... and yet it is strangely liberating!
Today i declare (with an unsteady voice) "Christ enough for one - for all!"
Hey my Friend,
Yes, you have been going through a very trying time in your minestry - but remember with that comes growth and wisdom that no-one or no book can teach you!!
You are gaining so much "God-knowledge" now and it can only make you a better, richer minister/person, hang in there, you know you've ALWAYS got my support!!
Follow your instinct, God gave it to you - He called you, and so He equips you every step.
Your faith and trust will always be tested as we can't see these, it is just an inner knowing, satan targets that which he thinks is easy - but God is our King He is ever faithful and trusworthy!!!
Much love,
You know what? i am so amazed how i can relate to your blogs so much. i may not know what you're going through, but i have the same situation as you. I trust Him, but at times i wander and follow my own feelings, my own plans, instead of focusing on His plans. i know for one that my plans are not certain, but His always certain. And though we might not know what He is plannig for us, im sure it's something better than you expect. His plans is to prosper, not to hurt us. In the bible, it says that FAITH is something yet unseen, if it is seen, it is not FAITH.
what you hope for, what you pray for may not turn the way u want it to be, but trust in Him, and he will fulfill His promises and pour down abundant blessings to you in His timing.
love, jess
I hope that you can at least trust on friends and family a little ? ;-)
I pray for you. I know that being the control freak that you are this must be really difficult.
hang in there, and trust God. He loves you and only wants the best for you.
So do I.
I love you too: and respect your sense of calling and you passion and your integrity.
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