Honestly, i will not be surprised in the least if i start squirting webs from out of my wrists one of these days (of cause my little boy would think it is extremely cool if his mom could do that)!
For the third time in six months i have been bitten by a really poisonous spider, leaving me in lots of pain and frustration. Now i wonder: is this simply coincidence or is Someone trying to tell me something here? I am not superstitions about these things but this is getting a bit much...
anyway, speaking about spiders... i had a dream some years ago about spiders and webs in the church and about the poison of bitterness, self-centeredness, gossip and pride that spreads easily through the whole church. The antidote for this is within reach (Jesus' unconditional and sacrificial love) but because as ministers (and God's children in general) we are often infected ourselves trough the hurt by another hurting person/s and so instead of breaking the web and assisting in the healing process, we tend to spread more of our own poison. My prayer is that as His children, we will take time to be healed and transformed by His love in order that we my become instruments of healing and transformation in others.
i am thus a recovering spider-woman...
Eina woman! Please know that my prayers are with you. I like the illustration of "breaking the web" of pisen and spite. I am reminded that someone touched the hem of Jesus' garment and was healed - but that there was a sense of jesus taking on the pain himself. Perhaps we are called to absorb the poison out of the spiderweb.... leaving it clean and sparkling. But too much absorbtion of the poison will poison our own systems: and so we need to go on our own retreats and places of prayer. Please take some leave.
"Please take some leave"
easier said than done. It is no fun going on leave when she feels like death warmed up slightly.
wow, you know, i agree with you. After reading your blog, i realize that maybe there is some kind of message to it. I once had a dream about snakes and i dont know if this is true or wheater i should even believe it or not, because it might be a myth. But my parents use to tell me that when you get dreams of snakes it means somone is doing evil things behind you or trying to. So basically its warning you before it happens. It's probably a myth, but what happened to you might be a special message to it too. Just something i'd like to share with you. :)
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