Tuesday, March 3, 2009

The Fall of Jericho

Today in my devotions i was reading again the story that i used to love as a child - the fall of the Jericho walls.
- now before i continue, allow me to say that i know this if far from an exegesis. It is not meant to be a sermon but a rather loose reflection on where in am. So, without further ado: this is what i felt when i read Joshua 6 today:

For a very long time in my life i have felt like the city of Jericho: strong and steadfast but with high walls all around me so that no one could enter, no one could come to close. I have been serving a purpose that i thought was mine, or perhaps i just wanted it to be mine. In this city of mine those who were allowed 'inside my walls' were given a falls sense of reality and security - they were as much prisoners as what i was (only they did not know it).

In the last few years, but certainly in the last few months, God has been at work in me in a process of breaking down the walls. The people around me did not see the cracks, but God in his grace and wisdom knew better and so in a process that does not make sense to most people (and even to me at times) began the process of setting me free.

There are those who has been a place of refuge for me in one of the most difficult times in my life and they will always be welcome inside the new city. Others will be welcome too, but few will chose to re-enter my life with the new (yet ancient) reality.

It is a painful process for me to allow the "people of God" access to my life, to allow the God of the people to brake down the walls so carefully constructed to keep me safe.

Yet i know that i am destined for more that what i could dream and the temporary embarrassment, the moment of nakedness and complete vulnerability will soon make way for the me that i was created to be...


Hanno Prinsloo (only me) said...

sjoe !!

Well said.

I am praying for you!

Can't wait to see what God is doing in your life !

bugs said...

Thank you! Thank you for all you prayers, caring and support. It means a lot to me.

Sunflower said...

wow jy het dit baie mooi gestel. Jericho was van kleins af my gunstelling storie. Dis n goeie plek om by te wees.mag die mense wat jy binne toe laat die rykdom van jou stad ontdek.

Cecilia said...

bugs... thanks for your comment over at my place. blessings, blessings, blessings to you on this journey.

Pax, C.